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Past Future


Past future adalah tenses yang  membicarakan rencana/planning dari perspektif masa lalu.

Lebih spesifik, bentuk ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi yang akan dilakukan, baik secara sukarela maupun yang direncanakan, membuat prediksi, dan membuat janji pada saat berada di masa lalu.

Tense ini sering digunakan pada reported speech (kalimat tidak langsung) dan juga sering digunakan untuk menyatakan pengandaian.


She said to me that she would go to the doctor last week.

If She were a boy, she would join that program.


PatternExampleBahasa Indonesia
+Subject+would/should+Verb 1She would go to the school.Dia(pr) akan pergi ke sekolahan.
-Subject+would/should+not+Verb 1She would not go to the school.Dia(pr) tidak akan pergi ke sekolahan.
?Would/should+subject+verb 1?Would She go to the school?Akankan dia(pr) akan pergi ke sekolahan?
Would She not go to the school?
Wouldn't she go to the school?
Akankan dia(pr) tidak akan pergi ke sekolahan?


  • Fungsi dari past future salah satunya adalah menyatakan rencana atau planning di masa lampau (umumnya digunakan pada indirect/reported speech)
The teacher told us that we would do the test sooner.
  • Fungsi yang lain dari past future adalah menyatakan pengandaian atau rencana yang gagal.
If i had much money, i would treat you all.


Aart, Flor. and Aart, Jan. 1982. English Syntactic Structures, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Azar, Betty Schrampfer, 1989.Understanding and Using English Grammar. New Jersey ; Prentice Hall Regents.
Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English, Prentice Hall. Inc., New York.
Hornby, S. A. 1975. Guide to Pattern and Usage in English, Second Edition, Oxford University Press.
Stockwell, Robert and Minkova, Donka. 2001. English Words History and Structure. New York. Cambridge University Press.
Swan, Michael.1995, Practical English Usage, Low Price Edition, Oxford; The English Language Book Society and Oxford University Press.
Vince, Michael. 2007. Macmillan English Grammar in Context Intermediate. Thailand. Macmillan publisher.
Vince, Michael. 2008. Macmillan English Grammar in Context Advance. Thailand. Macmillan publisher.
Whison, George E, 1980. Let’s Write English. United States of America. Litton Educational Publishing.

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