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Perbedaan Word, Phrase, Clause, dan Sentence


Seringkali kita mendengar istilah word, phrase, clause, atau sentence dalam bahasa Inggris akan tetapi kita terkadang juga sulit membedakan istilah-istilah tersebut dan juga memahaminya. untuk lebih jelasnya apa itu word/phrase/clause/sentence, bisa di cek dibawah ini.
💝 Word
A word is the smallest unit of grammar that can stand alone as a complete utterance, separated by spaces in written language and potentially by pauses in speech.-David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2003A word is a speech sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or a combination of morphemes.
Penjelasan diatas menjelaskan bahwa word adalah unit terkecil dari tata bahasa Inggris atau kombinasi suara yang menunjukkan makna dan bisa terdiri dari satu morpheme atau lebih.
  • Study = Belajar
  • Girl = Gadis
  • She = Dia(pr0
  • Smart = Cerdas
  • fast = dengan cepat
  • Because = Karena
  • In = Didalam

A phrase is a group of words that stands together as a single grammatical unit, typically as part of a clause or a sentence.

A phrase does not contain a subject and verb and, consequently, cannot convey a complete thought. A phrase contrasts with a clause. A clause does contain a subject and verb, and it can convey a complete idea.

A phrase is a group of words standing together as a single grammatical unit having meaning, but it does not contain a subject and verb.

Arti dari phrase dalam konteks bahasa indonesia adalah rangkaian kata yang mempunyai makna atau arti akan tetapi tidak berpola subject + predikat.

  • The young lady = Wanita muda
  • is working = Sedang bekerja
  • really bored with the movie = sangat bosan dengan film itu
  • Very softly = Sangat lembut
  • About money = Tentang uang

clause “a group of words containing a subject and predicate and functioning as a member of a complex or compound sentence.
A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb
- Betty Schrampfer Azar

Berdasarkan definisi-definisi diatas, clause adalah rangkaian kata yang bermakna dan berpola subject dan predikat.
  • The young lady is really bored with the movie
  • because the movie is not interesting

A sentence is a group of words giving a complete thought. A sentence must contain a subject and a verb (although one may be implied).

sentence is a set of words that contain a subject and a predicate (what is said about the subject)

A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.
- Oxford Dictionary

Sentence atau kalimat adalah rangkaian kata yang berpola sabject dan predikat dan memberikan makna sempurna. kalimat bisa menyatakan pernyataan, pertanyaan, perintah, atau ungkapan perasaan.

  • The young lady is really bored with the movie.
  • The movie is not interesting.
  • Do your task!
  • What are you doing?
  • How fast the car is!
Aart, Flor. and Aart, Jan. 1982. English Syntactic Structures, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Azar, Betty Schrampfer, 1989.Understanding and Using English Grammar. New Jersey ; Prentice Hall Regents.
Frank, Marcella. 1972. Modern English, Prentice Hall. Inc., New York.
Hornby, S. A. 1975. Guide to Pattern and Usage in English, Second Edition, Oxford University Press.
Stockwell, Robert and Minkova, Donka. 2001. English Words History and Structure. New York. Cambridge University Press.
Swan, Michael.1995, Practical English Usage, Low Price Edition, Oxford; The English Language Book Society and Oxford University Press.
Vince, Michael. 2007. Macmillan English Grammar in Context Intermediate. Thailand. Macmillan publisher.
Vince, Michael. 2008. Macmillan English Grammar in Context Advance. Thailand. Macmillan publisher.
Whison, George E, 1980. Let’s Write English. United States of America. Litton Educational Publishing.

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